HP Subordinate Services Selection Board, HPSSSB Hamirpur declared the result for the Clerk Post code 411. The written exam was held on 29th March 2015 and Typing Test was held on 24th July,2015.
On the basis of written exam, 84 candidates were called for skill typing test held in which 61 candidates appeared and 23 Candidates remained absent. Out of 61 candidates , 14 candidates bearing the following Roll Nos in their respective categories have shortlisted as per ratio (1:3/1:4) approved for personal interview. This result is also available on the webpage of HPSSSB, Hamirpur.
See Original Result Here
On the basis of written exam, 84 candidates were called for skill typing test held in which 61 candidates appeared and 23 Candidates remained absent. Out of 61 candidates , 14 candidates bearing the following Roll Nos in their respective categories have shortlisted as per ratio (1:3/1:4) approved for personal interview. This result is also available on the webpage of HPSSSB, Hamirpur.
291082, 291181, 291945, 292902, 293232, 293471, 293692, 293698, 293737, 293773, 294432, 295348, 295509,295706
See Original Result Here