HPU Project Fellow Post in Dept of Mathematics and Statistics - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

HPU Project Fellow Post in Dept of Mathematics and Statistics

HPU Shimla invites application for the post of Project Fellow under the major research projects. Last date to apply these jobs is 02 November, 2015.

Project 1: Linear Stability Analysis of Ferrofluids in Porus and Non Porus Medium

Linear Stability Analysis of Ferrofluids in Porus and Non Porus Medium in Favour of Dr. Jyoti Prakash, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics HPU ,vide letter No. F.43-420/2014(SR) dated 18 Sept,2015 for a period of 3 Years. The position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the duration of project.

Minimum Essential Qualification: Candidate must have second class master degree with minimum 55% marks for general category and 50% for SC/ST/PH or M.Phil in subject concerned or a related subject.

Age Limit: Not more than 40 years at the time of appointment
Last Date: 02 November,2015

Fellow Ship:
1. NET/GATE Qualified : Rs 16,000 PM for first two years than Rs 18,000 for 3rd Year
2. Non/Gate/Non-NET : Rs 14,000 PM for 2 years and Rs 16,000 for 3rd Year

How to Apply:
Eligible candidate  may apply with full details on Plain Paper including qualifications,age,email ID, contact number along with details of certificate of qualification, experience ,if any) so as to reach the hard copy or by email to jpsmaths67@gmail.com by or before 02 November, 2015.

Selected Candidates will be called for written test/interview on 07/11/2015.

Project 2: Numerical Investigation and Simulations on Stability Problems in Non-Newtonian Nano Fluids

Numerical Investigation and Simulations on Stability Problems in Non-Newtonian Nano Fluids
 in Favour of Mrs. Veena Sharma, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics HPU ,vide letter No. F.43-435/2014(SR) dated 30 Sept,2015 for a period of 3 Years. The position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the duration of project.

Minimum Essential Qualification: Candidate must have second class master degree with minimum 55% marks for general category and 50% for SC/ST/PH or M.Phil in subject concerned or a related subject.

Age Limit: Not more than 40 years at the time of appointment
Last Date: 02 November,2015

Fellow Ship:
1. NET/GATE Qualified : Rs 16,000 PM for first two years than Rs 18,000 for 3rd Year
2. Non/Gate/Non-NET : Rs 14,000 PM for 2 years and Rs 16,000 for 3rd Year

How to Apply:
Eligible candidate  may apply with full details on Plain Paper including qualifications,age,email ID, contact number along with details of certificate of qualification, experience ,if any) so as to reach the hard copy or by email to veena_math_hpu@gmail.com by or before 02 November, 2015.

Selected Candidates will be called for written test/interview on 07/11/2015.

No further communication on this matter will be entertained.
No TA/DA will be paid.

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