Recently Indian Navy announced the online applications for the recruitment in Education Branch/ Naval Armament Inspection cadre under Permanent Commission in Short Service Commission in Logistics for Course commencing on -June 2016 at INA Indian Naval Academy,Kerala.
Last Date to Apply is 14-11-2015 and have to send hard copy of their application on or before 24/11/2015.
Vacancy Details:
Name of Posts
A. Permanent Cadre
1. Education
2. Naval Armament Inspection Cadre
B. Short Service Commission Officer
1. Logistics
Age Limit:
Candidates age should be 21 to 25 years for S.No- I 1 (i.e born between 02-07-1991 to 01-07-1995), 19 1/2 to 25 years for S.No- I 2 and II (i.e born between 02-07-1991 to 02-07-1997)
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess M.Sc Physics (with Maths in B.Sc), M.Sc Maths (with Physics in B.Sc), M.Sc Chemistry, MA (English or History or Pol Science), MCA (Physics or Maths at Graduation Level) or B.E/ B.Tech/ M.Tech in any relevant disciplines for S.No- I 1, B.E/ B.Tech in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics. Production, Instrumentation, IT, Chemical, Metallurgy and Aerospace Engineering for S.No- I 2 and B.E/ B. Tech in any discipline for S.No- II.
Selection Process: Candidates will be called for interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through website from 24-10-2015 to 14-11-2015 and send their print out of applications along with self attested copies of all relevant certificates and in an envelope should be superscribed as the “Online Application No _______ Application for PC (Education)/ PC & SSC (NAIC)/ SSC (Log) Jun 2016 Course Qualification______ Percentage _____% NCC ‘C’ Yes/ NO” through ordinary post to the Post Box No. 04, R K Puram Main PO, New Delhi-110066 on or before 24-11-2015.
Instructions to Apply Online:
1. Before applying online candidates should have valid email id and Contact No.
2. Candidates are neatly scanned the photograph, Signature & relevant documents at the time of apply online.
3. Log on to the website
4. Click on “Apply Online Officer Entry” & Select the desired post.
5. Click on “Apply Now” —> “Proceed”.
6. Fill all the details carefully in eight steps & Submit the form.
7. Now take printout of online application for future use
Important Dates:
Last Date to Apply is 14-11-2015 and have to send hard copy of their application on or before 24/11/2015.
Vacancy Details:
Name of Posts
A. Permanent Cadre
1. Education
2. Naval Armament Inspection Cadre
B. Short Service Commission Officer
1. Logistics
Age Limit:
Candidates age should be 21 to 25 years for S.No- I 1 (i.e born between 02-07-1991 to 01-07-1995), 19 1/2 to 25 years for S.No- I 2 and II (i.e born between 02-07-1991 to 02-07-1997)
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess M.Sc Physics (with Maths in B.Sc), M.Sc Maths (with Physics in B.Sc), M.Sc Chemistry, MA (English or History or Pol Science), MCA (Physics or Maths at Graduation Level) or B.E/ B.Tech/ M.Tech in any relevant disciplines for S.No- I 1, B.E/ B.Tech in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics. Production, Instrumentation, IT, Chemical, Metallurgy and Aerospace Engineering for S.No- I 2 and B.E/ B. Tech in any discipline for S.No- II.
Selection Process: Candidates will be called for interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through website from 24-10-2015 to 14-11-2015 and send their print out of applications along with self attested copies of all relevant certificates and in an envelope should be superscribed as the “Online Application No _______ Application for PC (Education)/ PC & SSC (NAIC)/ SSC (Log) Jun 2016 Course Qualification______ Percentage _____% NCC ‘C’ Yes/ NO” through ordinary post to the Post Box No. 04, R K Puram Main PO, New Delhi-110066 on or before 24-11-2015.
Instructions to Apply Online:
1. Before applying online candidates should have valid email id and Contact No.
2. Candidates are neatly scanned the photograph, Signature & relevant documents at the time of apply online.
3. Log on to the website
4. Click on “Apply Online Officer Entry” & Select the desired post.
5. Click on “Apply Now” —> “Proceed”.
6. Fill all the details carefully in eight steps & Submit the form.
7. Now take printout of online application for future use
Important Dates: