Today HP General Industries Corp Ltd, Shimla invites the applications for the post of Security Guard and Peon . The total number of vacancies are 03. One for Peon and Two for Security Guard. The notice shows the recruitment is under Daily Wages Based . The salary and Qualification is discussed in the table given below. The age Limit should be between 18 to 38 years.
Age Limit : 18-38 Years
No of Vacancies : 03 [1 Peon and 2 Security Guard]
Pay Scale : on the basis of Wages System
Min Qualification: Middle Pass and Ex Service from Indian Army
Age Limit : 18-38 Years
No of Vacancies : 03 [1 Peon and 2 Security Guard]
Pay Scale : on the basis of Wages System
Min Qualification: Middle Pass and Ex Service from Indian Army
No. of Posts
Present Daily Amount as applicable
Essential Educational
Desirable qualification
Daily Waged Basis)
One No.
for Scheduled Caste candidate
180/- Per Day
(Rupees One Hundred Eighty) only
be Middle pass or its equivalent from a recognized board Institution of a
School Education
knowledge of reading/ writing(English & Hindi), customs, manners and
dialects of HP and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions
prevailing in the Pradesh.
Daily Waged Basis)
Two Nos.
for Scheduled Caste candidate
for Other Backward Classes
210/- Per Day
Two Hundred and Ten) only
pass or above. Preference to be given to Ex-servicemen from Indian Army
knowledge of reading/ writing (English
& Hindi),customs, manners and dialects of HP and suitability for
appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
Terms and Conditions:-
- The applicant must be bonafide resident of Himachal Pradesh
- The incumbent shall have no right to claim for regularization/ permanent absorption as such in the Corporation at any stage during the course of employment.
- No TA/DA will be payable to the candidates appearing in the interview.
- Selected candidate shall be liable to serve anywhere in Himachal Pradesh/India.
- The application must be accompanied with a non-refundable application fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred) only in the shape of Demand Draft in favour of Managing Director HPGIC Ltd., payable at Shimla
- The candidate will be selected on the basis of merit i.e. essential qualification, Viva voce Test and experience.
- The application form can be obtained/downloaded from our
- Applicant with experience shall be preferred.
Download Application Form : Click to Download