Recently, Military Engineer Services, Chief Engineer Head Quarters Northern Command has invited application form for the recruitment of 762 Mate (Electrician, Refrigerator Mechanic, Fitter General Mechanic, Vehicle Mechanic, Pipe Fitter, Carpenter, Painter, Mason) vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format on or before 13-02-2016 by 1300 hrs & 20-02-2016 by 1300 hrs for remote areas. All details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below...
Total No. of Posts: 236
Name of the Posts: Mate
1. Mate (Electrician): 82 Posts
2. Mate (Refrigerator Mechanic): 07 Posts
3. Mate (Fitter General Mechanic): 68 Posts
4. Mate (Vehicle Mechanic): 07 Posts
5. Mate (Pipe Fitter): 35 Posts
6. Mate (Carpenter): 13 Posts
7. Mate (Painter): 06 Posts
8. Mate (Mason): 18 Posts
Name of the Recruiting Authority:
1. HQ 133 WE (Srinagar): 42 Posts
2. HQ 134 WE (Srinagar): 38 Posts
3. HQ 135 WE (Akhnoor): 43 Posts
4. HQ 138 WE (Leh): 59 Posts
5. CWE Udhampur: 54 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18-27 years as on 18-11-2015. Age relaxation is applicable 5 years for SC/ ST, 3 years for OBC, 10 years for PH (OH/ HH), 13 years for PH (OH/ HH)+OBC, 15 years for PH (OH/ HH)+SC/ ST & for others as per Central Govt rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed Matriculation from a recognized Board and Industrial Training Institute pass certificate from a recognized Institute in relevant trade.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on merit in written test & documentation check.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with admit card in duplicate affixing self attested passport size photograph on it, self/ gazetted officer attested copies of relevant certificates, one self addressed envelope of size 28 cm x 12 cm with postage stamp of Rs. 60/- affixed on each envelope to the concerned address as given in the notification on or before 13-02-2016 by 1 pm & 20-02-2016 by 1 pm for remote areas. Superscribe the envelope as with name of the post mate (specify trade) along with Category (UR/ SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH) in Block Capital letters.
Last Date for Submission of Applications:13-02-2016 by 1 pm.
Last Date for Submission of Applications for Remote Areas: 20-02-2016 by 1 pm
Total No. of Posts: 236
Name of the Posts: Mate
1. Mate (Electrician): 82 Posts
2. Mate (Refrigerator Mechanic): 07 Posts
3. Mate (Fitter General Mechanic): 68 Posts
4. Mate (Vehicle Mechanic): 07 Posts
5. Mate (Pipe Fitter): 35 Posts
6. Mate (Carpenter): 13 Posts
7. Mate (Painter): 06 Posts
8. Mate (Mason): 18 Posts
Name of the Recruiting Authority:
1. HQ 133 WE (Srinagar): 42 Posts
2. HQ 134 WE (Srinagar): 38 Posts
3. HQ 135 WE (Akhnoor): 43 Posts
4. HQ 138 WE (Leh): 59 Posts
5. CWE Udhampur: 54 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18-27 years as on 18-11-2015. Age relaxation is applicable 5 years for SC/ ST, 3 years for OBC, 10 years for PH (OH/ HH), 13 years for PH (OH/ HH)+OBC, 15 years for PH (OH/ HH)+SC/ ST & for others as per Central Govt rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed Matriculation from a recognized Board and Industrial Training Institute pass certificate from a recognized Institute in relevant trade.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on merit in written test & documentation check.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format along with admit card in duplicate affixing self attested passport size photograph on it, self/ gazetted officer attested copies of relevant certificates, one self addressed envelope of size 28 cm x 12 cm with postage stamp of Rs. 60/- affixed on each envelope to the concerned address as given in the notification on or before 13-02-2016 by 1 pm & 20-02-2016 by 1 pm for remote areas. Superscribe the envelope as with name of the post mate (specify trade) along with Category (UR/ SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH) in Block Capital letters.
Last Date for Submission of Applications for Remote Areas: 20-02-2016 by 1 pm