HPTU Recruitment 2016 - Apply 11 junior office assistant, system analyst & others Posts - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

HPTU Recruitment 2016 - Apply 11 junior office assistant, system analyst & others Posts

Himachal Pradesh Technical University (HPTU) has invited application for the position of 13 junior office assistant, system analyst, programmer, Driver.  Candidates may apply in prescribed application form along with relevant documents send to the Registrar, Himachal Pradesh Technical university, Gandhi chowk, Hamirpur:- 177001 on or before 16th March 2016.Other detail like no. of posts, pay scale , age limit ,qualification etc are given below..

Name of post:junior office assistant, system analyst

No. of Posts : 11

1. System Analyst: 02 posts

Age Limit: The age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years and should not be more than 45 years. The age of the applicant should be as on 16th March 2016.

Qualification:Candidates should have M.Tech in computer science & engineering or IT OR full time bachelor degree in CS & IT or equivalent with two year experience in computing or equivalent OR MCA with three year experience in computing.
Pay Scale:- Rs 15600 – 39100/- Per Month

2.Junior office assistant:09 posts

Age Limit:The age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years and should not be more than 45 years. The age of the applicant should be as on 16th March 2016.

Qualification:Candidates should have graduate in any discipline from a recognized university or institution with one year diploma in application information technology from a recognized university / institution. Applicant should have typing speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi.

Pay Scale: Rs 5910 – 20200/- Per Month

Selection Procedure:The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of written examination and personal interview depending on the number of applications received.

Age Relaxation:The upper age of the candidates in relaxable for the following specified categories to the extent indicated below:-
i) By 5 years for candidates belonging to ST communities.
ii) By 5 years for candidates belonging to SC communities.
iii) By 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC communities.

Application fee: Candidates are required to pay application fee Rs 1000/- for general category candidates / other states and Rs 250/- for schedule caste categories candidates (SC) of Himachal Pradesh / Schedule tribe (ST) categories candidates of Himachal Pradesh / other backward class categories candidates of Himachal Pradesh with a bank draft in the favor of Finance officer, HP, Technical university payable at Hamirpur. No fee is required to pay of EXSM of HP / blind of HP / Visually handicapped of HP.

How to apply:Candidates may apply in prescribed application form along with relevant documents send to the Registrar, Himachal Pradesh Technical university, Gandhi chowk, Hamirpur:- 177001 on or before 16th March 2016.

Last Date:on or before 16th March 2016