Safai Karamchari Post at District & Sessions Judge, Una-Last Date 24 Feb,2016 - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

Safai Karamchari Post at District & Sessions Judge, Una-Last Date 24 Feb,2016

Office of the District and Sessions Judge invites the applications for the post of Safai Karamchari Class IV. Interested Candidates can apply on or before 24 Feb,2016.

Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post: Safai Karamchari Class IV
Number of Post: 01
Job Location: District Office and Sessions Judge, UNA
Salary : Rs 4900-10,680 /- + Grade Pay of Rs 1300/- plus other allowance as admissible under the rules.

Age Limit: 
The candidates should not be less than 18 years and more than 45 years as on 1 Jan,2016. Relaxation in upper age limit will be admissible to the eligible candidates under the rules.

Education Qualifications:
The candidates should have passed at least matriculation as on 1 Jan,2016.

The candidates shall furnish their bio data on following format:

  1. Name ( Block Letters):
  2. Father's/ Husband Name:
  3. Qualifications ( Attested Copies):
  4. Date of Birth ( Attested Copies of Certificate):
  5. Permanent Address:
  6. Correspondence address:
  7. Experience , if any: