HPSSSB - Theatre Asst, Staff Nurse, Jr Engineer, Electrician, SI, Officer & others – 696 Posts - Apply Online - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

HPSSSB - Theatre Asst, Staff Nurse, Jr Engineer, Electrician, SI, Officer & others – 696 Posts - Apply Online

hpsssb 2016 recruitment for 696 posts

Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board Hamirpur (HPSSSB) has invited application for the various posts Ayurvedic Pharmacist, Operation Theatre Assistant, Staff Nurse, Female Health Worker, Junior Engineer (civil), Electrician, JE(Elect.), Pharmacists, Sub-Inspector of Police, Horticulture Extension Officer in different department. The online application can be filled up from 07.03.2016 to 07.04.2016 till 11.59 PM. All detail like name of the posts, no. of the posts, age limit, qualification, pay scale etc are given below...

No. of Posts: 696

Name of the Posts:
1.Ayurvedic Pharmacist
2.Operation Theatre Assistant
3. Staff Nurse
4. Female Health Worker
5.Junior Engineer (civil)
9.Sub-Inspector of Police
10.Horticulture Extension Officer

SN. Name of Department/Board Name of the Posts Post Code Pay Scale No. of Posts
(1) Ayurveda Ayurvedic Pharmacist (on contract basis) 470 Rs.5910-10300+3000GP 79
(2) Health & Family Welfare Operation Theatre Assistant (on contract basis) 471 Rs.5910-20200+2000GP 29
(3) Health & Family Welfare Staff Nurse (on contract basis) 472 Rs.10300-34800+3200GP 314
(4) Health & Family Welfare Female Health Worker (on contract basis) 473 Rs.5910-20200+2800GP 99
(5) Various Deptt. Junior Engineer (Civil) (on contract basis) 474 Rs.14100/-Fixed contractual amount 58
(6) HP Power Corporation Ltd. Electrician (on contract basis) 475 Rs.6400-20200+3050GP 21
(7) HP Power Corporation Ltd. JE(Elect.) (on contract basis) 476 Rs.10900-34800+4350/- 19
(8) Health & Family Welfare Pharmacists (on contract basis) 477 Rs.5910-20200+3000GP 31
(9) Police Department Sub-Inspector of Police (age between 21 to 26 years) 478 Rs.10300-34800+4600GP 16
(10) Horticulture Horticulture Extension Officer (on contract basis) 479 Rs.5910-20200+2400GP 30

Essential Qualification:

Post Code Educational and Other Qualifications
Ayurvedic Pharmacist
i) Plus two or its equivalent from recognized Board of School Education/University.
ii) Successful training of at least two years duration in Ayurvedic Pharmacist/Diploma in Pharmacy(Ayurveda)/Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy(Ayurveda from an Institution duly recognized by the H.P. Takniki Shiksha Board/University recognized by the H.P. Government.
Operation Theatre Assistant
i) Should be 10+2 with Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) with 50% in from a recognized Board of School Education/Institution.
ii) Must have passed OTA Training course from a recognized Institution by the State Government.ORB.Sc Degree in Medical Technology ( Anaesthesia & OT Techniques) from Himachal Pradesh University or equivalent Degree recognized by the State Government.Persons holding Graduate Degree in Medical Technology (Anaesthesia & OT Techniques) will be preferred.
iii) Should be registered with H.P. Para Medical Council.
Staff Nurse
i) Should 10+2 class pass, preferably with Science from a recognised Board of School Education/University.
ii) Should be a qualified “A” Grade Nurse or should be B.Sc. Nursing pass from a recognized University/Institution.
Female Health Worker
i) Should be a Matric with Science/Hr. Secondary Part-I Pass or its equivalent from a recognisedBoard/Institution.
ii) Should posses one and half years Training certificate as F.H.W. from a Govt. recognised Institute.
i) Should have passed Matric or 10+2 Examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education / University.
ii) Diploma of at least three years duration in Civil Engineering or B.E/B. Tech. Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized university or from an Institution recognized by the Central / H.P. Government.
i) Matric from a recognized Board.ii) Full time ITI in electrician trade or equivalent from a recognized Board/Institute
Full time Diploma in Electrical Engineering discipline from a recognized Board/University.
i) 10+2 in Science or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board.
ii) Bachelor’s Degree/Diploma in Pharmacy or its equivalent from a recognized University or an Institution duly recognized by the Central/State Government.
iii)Must be registered with the Pharmacy Council of the concerned State/Central Government.
Sub-Inspector of Police
Graduate from any recognized University of India.
Horticulture Extension Officer
Should have passed four year’s B.Sc( Horticulture) Degree or its equivalent from recognized University.

Starting date for apply online:07 March 2016

Last Date for apply online: 07 April 2016



NOTE:No offline Application Form or copy of downloaded Application Form will be accepted by the office.The Printed copy of the online application form alongwith necessary original certificates and self attested photocopies must be brought at the time of Personal Interview.