Syllabus and Exam Pattern of Indian Army for the posts of Soldier - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

Syllabus and Exam Pattern of Indian Army for the posts of Soldier

indian army syllabus

Written Examination

Common Entrance Examination (CEE) is conducted on last Sunday of each month except in the Month of March, June, September and December. It comprises of following papers:

1. Soldier (General Duty). It generally comprises of questions on General Knowledge, General Science and Maths. Duration of paper is 60 minutes. Total marks – 100. Pass marks – 32. Level – Matriculation.
2.Soldier (Technical). It generally comprises of questions on General Knowledge, Physical, Maths and Chemistry. Duration of paper is 60 minutes. Total marks – 200. Pass marks – 80. Level – 10 + 2 of CBSE and State Education Boards.
3.Soldier (Nursing Assistant). It generally comprises of questions on General Knowledge, Maths, Biology and Chemistry. Duration of paper is 60 minutes. Total marks – 200. Pass marks – 80. Level – Maths (Matriculation Level) and others 10 + 2 of CBSE and State Education Boards.

Soldier (Clerk / Store Keeper Technical). It comprises of two parts:

Part 1 (100 marks)
1.Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions and General Science – 40 marks.
2.Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions. Maths and Computer Science – 60 marks.

Part II (100 marks)
Subjective essay type of questions in English comprising grammar, comprehension, letter writing, essay writing, paragraph writing etc.
1.Maximum marks – 200, time – 60 minutes.
2.A candidate will be required to score a minimum of 32% (32 marks) in Part I and Part II separately and a minimum of 40% (80 marks) in total to be declare pass in the written examination.

Note: National Cadet Corps (NCC) `C’ Certificate holders seeking enrolment for Soldier (General Duty) are exempted from appearing in written examination but will have to fulfill other laid down criteria.

Awarding of Bonus Marks to Sportsman for Enrolment into the Army.

Previously, 20 bonus marks were added at the time of preparation of merit list for enrolment into the Army to all State / National level sportsmen and those who have represented School / College / District in the Board / University / State Championship respectively and have secured 1st / 2nd position. To ensure incentive based on level of participation / proficiency, awarding of bonus marks has been graduated as under..

Sr. No
Represented India at International level
20 marks
Represented State at National level
15 marks
Represented District at State level
10 marks
Represented University Team or Regional Team at District level
05 marks

Negative Marking in Common Entrance Examination (CEE) : Soldier General Duty and Soldier Tradesman Category.

The pass percentage of Soldier General Duty and Soldier Tradesmen cat in the Common Entrance Examination (CEE) has shown an upward turn and is even reaching 90 – 95% at times. Due to limited vacancies available, this results in a much larger number of aspirants, having passed, being placed as Not in Merit (NIM) in the final selection list. This leads to lower satisfaction levels. In order to correct the situation, it has been decided that negative marking would be applied in the Common Entrance Examination (CEE) for Soldier General Duty and Soldier Tradesmen categories wef 01 October 2012. As such the following marking system would be implemented:

1. 2 marks for every right answer.
2. ½ negative mark for every wrong answer.
3. 0 mark for answer left blank.

Benefits Extended to NCC ‘C’ Certificate Holders who have taken part in Republic Day Parade at New Delhi.
Ser. No
NCC Certificate
Soldier General Duty Category
Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper Technical / Technical Nursing Assistant Category
Tradesman Category
NCC ‘A’ Certificate
05 Marks
05 Marks
05 Marks
NCC ‘B’ Certificate
10 Marks
10 Marks
10 Marks
NCC ‘C’ Certificate
Exempted from CEE
15 Marks
Exempted from CEE