Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has invited online applications from desirous and eligible candidates for recruitment to various posts in different Departments of Himachal Pradesh Government. which shall be available on the Commission's website www.hp.gov.in/hppsc up to 16th May, 2016 till 11:59 P.M. All detail regarding various departments, name of the posts, no. of posts, education qualification, age limit, pay scale etc. are given below...
Detail of posts and eligibility conditions are given as under against each posts:
1. Department of Agriculture, H.P :
Name of the post: Agriculture Development Officer, Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
No. of posts: 43 posts (UR=22, UR Ex-SM=06, UR Visually Impaired=01, SC=05, SC Hearing Impaired=01, ST=03 & OBC=05)
Pay band: 10300-34800/- + 5000/- (G.P.) (Fixed contractual emoluments: 15,300/- per month)
Age: 45 years and below.
Essential Qualification:B.Sc. (Agr.) under four years programme and M.Sc. (Agr.) 2nd Class from a College / Institutions/ University recognized by the State / Central Government / ICAR.
2. Department of Technical Education, H.P. :
(a) Name of the post: Professor (Electrical Engineering) Class-I (Gazetted) (on regular basis)
No. of posts: 01 post (UR)
Pay band: 37400-67000/- + ` 10,000/- (Grade Pay)
Age: 45 years and below.
Essential Qualification: BE / B. Tech. and ME / M. Tech. in the relevant branch of Engineering with First Class or equivalent either in BE / B. Tech. or ME / M. Tech. and Ph.D. or equivalent in the appropriate discipline.
(b)Name of the post: Assistant Professor (Electrical Engineering) Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
No. of posts: 02 (UR)
Pay band: 15600-39100/- + 6,000/- (Grade Pay) (Fixed contractual emoluments: ` 35,000/- p.m.)
Age: 45 years and below
Essential Qualification: B.E. / B. Tech. and ME/ M. Tech. in the relevant branch of Engineering with first class or equivalent either in BE/ B. Tech. or ME/ M. Tech
3. Department of Home, H.P. :
Name of the post: Commandant / Junior Staff Officer, Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis) in the Department of Home Guards and Civil Defence.
No. of posts: 05 posts (General= 04 and ST=01) {(backlog post(s)}
Pay band:15600-39100/- + ` 6600/- (G.P.) (Fixed contractual emoluments: ` 22,200/- per month).
Age: 45 years and below.
Essential Qualification: (i) Retired / released Army Officer of the Indian Armed Force of the rank of Captain or above, who has served as Commissioned Officer (other than honorary) for a period of at least 3 years.
Graduate of a recognized university.
(ii) Five years regular service as Company Commander in the Department of Home Guards & Civil Defence Organisation.
4. Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, H.P. :
Name of the post: Special Post Graduate Teachers (SPGT), Class-II (Non-Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
No. of posts: 08 posts (UR)
1. Special Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) Hindi (Visually impaired) : 01 (UR)
2. Special Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) Hindi (Hearing impaired) : 01 (UR)
3. Special Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) English (Visually impaired) :01 (UR)
4. Special Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) English (Hearing impaired) :01 (UR)
5. Special Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) History (Visually impaired) : 01 (UR)
6. Special Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) History (Hearing impaired)(UR) :01(UR)
7. Special Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) Home Science (Visually impaired) : 01 (UR)
8. Special Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) Home Science (Hearing impaired) : 01 (UR)
Pay band: 10300-34800/- + ` 4200/- (G.P.) (Fixed contractual emoluments: 14,500/- per month).
Age: 45 years and below.
Essential Qualifications: click here
5. Department of Health & Family Welfare, H.P. :
Name of the post: Drugs Inspector Class-II (Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
No. of posts: 05 posts {UR=02, ST=01, OBC = 01 and UR Ex-SM = 01(Backlog post)}
Pay band:10300-34800/- + ` 4200/- (G.P) (Contractual emoluments: ` 14,500/- P.M.)
Age: Between 18 to 45 years.
Essential Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or a post Graduate Degree in Chemistry with pharmaceutics as essential subject of an University established in India by the Law or its equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purpose or the Associateship Diploma of the Institution of Chemists (India) obtained by passing the Examination with “Analysis of Drugs and pharmaceuticals” as one of the subject.
6. Department of MPP & Power, H.P. (HPPTCL) :
Name of the post: Assistant Engineer (Civil)/ Deputy Manager (Civil), ClassI (on Contract basis)
No. of posts : 04 (UR)
Pay band: 16650-39100/- + ` 5800/- (G.P.) (Fixed contractual emoluments: ` 22,450/- per month).
Age: 18 to 45 years.
Essential Qualification:Degree in Civil Engineering with 55% marks in case of SC/ ST/ internal
HPPTCL candidates & for other categories 60% marks having passed the Degree from a recognized University/ Institution of India. AMIE shall be recognized qualification for internal candidates.
7. Department of Public Works, H.P. :
Name of the post: Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
No. of posts : 05 (General=03, SC=01 and General Ex-SM=01)
Pay: Consolidated fixed contractual emoluments: ` 21,000/- per month (` 15600/- + ` 5400/- G.P)
Age: 45 years and below.
Essential Qualification: Must possess degree in Mechanical Engineering or its equivalent from an
institution / University recognized by the Central / State Govt.
8. Department of Economics and Statistics, H.P. :
Name of the post: Research Officer, Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis)
No. of posts: 01 (General)
Pay band: 10300-34800/- + ` 5000/- (G.P.) (Contractual emoluments: ` 15,300/- per month)
Age: 45 years and below.
Essential Qualification:Master’s Degree in Statistics/ Mathematics/ Commerce (with Statistics) or its equivalent from a recognized University.
Examination fees : Rs.400/- for General Category and Rs.100 for SC/ST/OBC no fees for ex-servicemen.
Last Date : up to 16th May, 2016 till 11:59 P.M.
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