Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has declared the results of Screening Test held on 21-02-2016 for recruitment to 06 posts of Designated Officer, Class-I (Gazetted) (on contract basis) in the Department of Health Safety and Regulation, H.P. These posts were advertised vide Advertisement No. 4/2015 dated 09.10.2015 and subsequent Addendum-1 dated 20.03.2016. Out of 939 online applications 537 appeared in the Screening Test and 60 applications were rejected for different reasons. The following candidates have been declared qualified for viva
192065 192069 192099 192141 192362 192427 192442 192483 192514 192516 192552 192562 192572 192591 192609 192654 192711 192760 192782 192863 192892 192930
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