Indian Navy has invited applications are from unmarried eligible candidates for grant of Short Service Commission in Executive Branch viz General Service/Hydro/IT and Technical Branch viz General Service/Submarine/Naval Architecture of the Indian Navy for Jun 17 Course at Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates can apply online from 13 August to 03 Sept. 2016. All detail like name of the posts, eligibility, age limit, how to apply etc are given below..
Name of the Posts : Short Service Commissioned Officer (Lieutenant)
Educational Qualifications. Candidates should have passed Engineering degree or in the final year of Engineering course.
Age : 19 ½ to 25 Years, born between 02 Jul 1992 & 01 Jan 1998; both dates inclusive.
How To Apply : Candidates are to fill in ‘e-application' (Online) for the entry. The candidates are to apply online (e-application) from 13 Aug 16. The online application registration will cease on 03 Sep
(a) Click on the ‘Officer Entry’ button under the option 'Apply Online' on the Home Page.
(b) Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up fields have been provided as you highlight each field
(c) After filling the form click on Preview and check if all the information entered by you are correct.
(d) Before clicking the Print Application button it should be checked whether all the details entered in the form is correct as you will not be able to make any corrections after saving the record. Candidates can take the print of the application form by entering the relevant details.
(e) Candidates can read the instructions on conduct of SSB by clicking on the instruction for SSB button and can take the print of the application form by entering the details from the download sections under officer entry.
(f) Print two copies of the online Application Form having the system generated Application Number.
(g) Paste recent passport size colour photograph at the space provided and self attest the same
(h) One copy of this Application Form is to be duly signed and mailed (posted) to Post Box No. 04, Chankya Puri PO, New Delhi - 110 021 along with the following documents:- Self attested photo copies of 10th & 12th class certificates along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets of all semester/years. Application to be sent by ordinary post only. Speed post/courier and Registered post will not be accepted.
(j) A superscription is to be made on envelope: ONLINE APPLICATION NO. ________ . FOR SSC( indicate branch)– Jun 17 COURSE. Qualification______ Percentage _____%. NCC ‘C’ Yes/No. Application and requisite enclosures must be properly tagged/stapled; IHQ MoD (Navy) will not be responsible for loss of enclosures, if sent loose.
(k) Second copy of the complete application form is to be produce for SSB interview if short listed
Last Date for Apply Online : 03 SEP 16