Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Bank Limited (HPSCB) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Junior Lecturer vacancies in the bank for training institute at sangti, summer hill shimla-5. Eligible candidates can apply in prescribed application format on or before 30-09-2016 by 05:00 PM. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below....
Total No of Posts: 03
Name of the Posts: Junior Lecturer
1. Accountancy and Book keeping: 01 Post
2. Management: 01 Post
3. Cooperative Law: 01 Post
Age Limit: Candidate age should be above 18 years & below 45 years ie born between 01-01-1998 and 02-01-1971 (both days inclusive).
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Consistently high academic record with 55% or above, Matriculation onwards & Master’s Degree in Commerce/ Business Administration/ Economics from an Institute/ University of repute with 55% marks or above or Ist Class Bachelor’s Degree in Law or LLM Degree with 55% or above.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on written test.
Application Fee: Candidates have to pay Rs. 1000/- Bank Draft in favour of General Manager, H.P. State Cooperative Bank Ltd. payable at Shimla.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates can send application in prescribed format along with attested photo copies of the testimonials (10th Onwards),self-addressed envelope with Six Rupees Postal Stamp & certificates of teaching experience (if any) to the Chief Coordinator, HRRC,University College of Business Studies, Avalodge, Chaura Maidan, Shimla- 171004 on or before 30-09-2016 by 05:00 PM.
Last Date for Submission of Application: 30-09-2016 by 05:00 PM.
For more details like pay scale & other information click on the link given below....
Very Good Information and i also recommend Freshers job way ; as they are leading sites provides job information