HPPSC Declared Result of SAS OB Entrance Exam 2016 - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

HPPSC Declared Result of SAS OB Entrance Exam 2016

HPPSC Declared Result of SAS
HPPSC,Shimla has declared the result of SAS OB entrance examination 2016 result. The exam was held on 19th and 20th June,2016.for initial selection of 30 candidates for undergoing training in SAS (OB) at HIPA. Out of 1126 online applications, 286 applications were rejected by the Commission on different grounds. In all 840 candidates were admitted out of which 325 candidates appeared in the SAS (OB) entrance Examination-2016.
The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has declared the result of SAS (OB) Entrance Examination-2016 and the candidates with following Roll numbers have been declared qualified in order of merit:

General :
Roll No.
150210 150267 150156 150217 150272 150369 150607 150294 150163 150430 150513 150119 150584 150338 150836 150200 150815 150153 150510 150757. (20 candidates)

Scheduled Castes of H.P.
Roll No.
150589 150006 150112 150024 150282. (05 candidates)

Scheduled Tribes of H.P.
Roll No.
150077 150418 (02 candidates)

O.B.C. of H.P.
Roll Nos.
150140 150090 150287 (03 candidates)