HPPSC Recruitment 2016 - Apply Online for 176 Various Officers Posts, Last Date - 26 Sept. 2016 - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

HPPSC Recruitment 2016 - Apply Online for 176 Various Officers Posts, Last Date - 26 Sept. 2016

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has given a notification for the recruitment of 176 Ayurvedic Medical Officer, Research Officer, Assistant Engineer & Other vacancies on contract basis. Eligible candidates can apply in the prescribed application format on or before 26-09-2016 till 11.59 PM. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, examination fee & how to apply are given below....

Total No.of Posts: 176

Name of the Posts:
1. Assistant District Attorney: 27 Posts
2. Ayurvedic Medical Officer: 118 Posts
3. Research Officer: 01 Post
4. Assistant Research Officer: 04 Posts
5. Planning Officer: 01 Post
6. Assistant Engineer (Electrical)/ Deputy Manager (Electrical): 25 Posts

Age Limit: Candidates age should be 35 years and below for S.No-1, 45 years and below for S.No-2, 3, 5 & between 18-45 years for S.No-4, 6 as on 01-01-2016. Age relaxation is applicable to 05 years for SC of H.P/ ST of H.P/ OBC of H.P/ WFF of H.P/ Persons with disabilities of Himachal Pradesh as per rules.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Professional degree in Law from a recognized University or its equivalent for S.No-1, degree in Ayurveda not less than five years duration from a recognized Institution recognized by the Central/ State Government/ CCIM for S.No-2, Master’s degree in Statistics or Master’s degree in Economics/ Mathematics/ Commerce/ Agricultural Economics with Statistics for S.No-3 & for other refer notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on Screening Test/ Examination/ interview/ Personality Test.

Examination Fee: Candidates should pay Rs. 400/- for General category & Rs. 100/- for SC/ ST/ OBC candidates of HP through ‘e-Challan’ at any branch of Punjab National Bank or through ‘e-Payment’ option by using Debit or Credit Card of any Bank. No Fee for Ex-Servicemen/ visually impaired candidates of H.P.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through the website www.hp.gov.in.hppsc on or before 26-09-2016 till 11.59 PM.

Instructions to Apply Online:
1. Log on to the website “www.hp.gov.in/ hppsc”.
2. Click on “Apply Online’ —> “New User Sign up here”.
3. Fill all the details & Click on “Create User”.
4. Select the desired post & click on “Click to Apply”.
5. Fill all the details & submit the form.
6. Now take printout of online application for future use.

Last Date for Submission of Application: 26-09-2016 till 11.59 PM.

For more details like pay band & other information click on the link given below...