HPSSSB Declared Final Result Of JE Civil Post Code 474-View Here - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

HPSSSB Declared Final Result Of JE Civil Post Code 474-View Here

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HPSSSB Hamirpur has declared the result of Junior Engineer Civil under the post code 474. The written exam was held on 3 July and interview had been taken from 24th Sept,2016 for 67 posts of JE Civil.

The list of 67 candidates who had qualified the interview process are as follows:

474000050, 474000095, 474000096, 474000198, 474000271, 474000400, 474000452, 474000629, 474000667, 474000671, 474000729, 474000754, 474000818, 474000837, 474000885, 474001057, 474001071, 474001181, 474001210, 474001596, 474001813, 474001832, 474001908, 474001946, 474001962, 474002109, 474002247, 474002288, 474002300, 474002350, 474002478, 474002509, 474002625, 474002940, 474002950, 474003043, 474003060, 474003133, 474003368, 474003379, 474003415, 474003499, 474003679, 474003881, 474003962, 474004096, 474004100, 474004214,  474004372, 474004498, 474004523, 474004550,474004752, 474005146,  474005161, 474005359, 474005440, 474005558,474005672, 474005707, 474005709, 474005850, 474005860, 474005865, 474005929, 474006397, 474006434