Indian Army Recruitment 2016 – Soldier (Recruitment Rally) Posts, 15 to 19/11/2016 (Recruitment Rally) - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

Indian Army Recruitment 2016 – Soldier (Recruitment Rally) Posts, 15 to 19/11/2016 (Recruitment Rally)

Indian Army has invited applications for the recruitment rally of Soldier vacancies into Bengal Engineer Group, Corps of Engineers, Indian Army under Unit Headquarter Quota for son of Servicemen/ Ex-Servicemen/ War widows and real brothers of servicemen/ Ex-servicemen & sportsmen of International/ National/ State/ District/ University level . Eligible candidates may attend for rally from 15 to 19-11-2016. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, how to apply are given below.....

Name of the Category:
1. Soldier Technical
2. Soldier General Duty
3. Soldier TDNn
4. Sol CLK/ SKT/ IM (son of Servicemen/ Ex-Servicemen/ Widows/ War widows and real brothers
of servicemen/ Ex-servicemen of Bengal Sappers)

Age Limit: Candidates age should be 171/2 – 23 years (born between 15 Nov 1993 and 15 May 1999 both inclusive) for S.No.1, 3, 4, 171/2 – 21 years (born between 15 Nov 1995 and 15 May 1999 both inclusive) for S.No.2.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess 12th Pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry Maths and English with 50% marks in aggregate & 40% in each subject for S.No.1, Min 10th class or equivalent pass with 45% marks in aggregate & min 33% in each subject/ simple 10+2 pass for S.No.2, 10th class pass for S.No. 3, 12th with 50% marks in aggregate and 40% in each subject. English and Maths/ Accts/ Book Keeping are compulsory at 10th or 12th level with 40% marks for S.No.4.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may appear for rally along with 15 passport sized latest colour photographs, Original relationship cert, Discharge Book & PPO, Original Education Certificate, NCC/ Sports Certificate, Nativity/ Domicile Certificate, Caste Certificate, Character Certificate, affidavit, Police clearance certificate from 15 to 19-11-2016.

Date of Rally for Uttar Pradesh : 15-11-2016

Date of Rally for Punjab : 16-11-2016

Date of Rally for Haryana, J&K and Himachal Pradesh : 17-11-2016

Date of Rally for Uttrakhand, Rajasthan, Bihar, Assam, Orissa, West Bengal, Delhi : 18-11-2016

Date of Rally for Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat, Maharashtra and Any State/ UT of India : 19-11-2016

Venue : Centenary Pavilion Ground, Bengal Engr Gp & Centre Roorke 

For more details like category, eligibility & other information click on the link given below....