December 22: National Mathematics Day - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

December 22: National Mathematics Day

In India, the day 'December 22' has been declared as the National Mathematics Day. The declaration was made by Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, during the inaugural ceremony of the celebrations to mark the 125th birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan held at the Madras University Centenary Auditorium on 26 February 2012. Dr Manmohan Singh also announced that the year 2012 CE would be celebrated as the National Mathematics Year.  It was in recognition of his contribution to mathematics the Government of India decided to celebrate Ramanujan's birthday as the National Mathematics Day every year and to celebrate 2012 as the National Mathematical Year

About Srinivasa Ramanujan (22 December 1887 – 26 April 1920)

  • The Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on 22 December 1887 and died on 26 April 1920
  • He was considered as doyen of number theory, infinite series, mathematical analysis, and making formulas and equations without any formal training in pure mathematics.He in the same league as great mathematicians such as Euler and Gauss
  • He was deeply religious person and had credited his mathematical capacities to divinity. He had once said ‘”An equation for me has no meaning, unless it expresses a thought of God.”
  • Along with British Mathematician Godfrey Harold Hardy, Ramanujan had discovered the smallest number represented as sum of two cubes 1729 which is known as Hardy-Ramanujan number.

Key contributions: As a mathematical genius, he had compiled more than 3900 mathematical results and equations.

Autobiography and Movie: The feature film “The Man Who Knew Infinity” was based on his life. It was based on his biography “The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan” written in 1991 by Robert Kanigel.