Indian Navy has given a notification for the recruitment of 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme (Permanent Commission) Commencing July 2017 from Unmarried Male candidates. Eligible candidates can apply online from 12-12-2016 to 02-01-2017. Other details like age, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below....
Name of the Entry: 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme (Permanent Commission)
Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 17 to 19½ years {i.e., born between 02-01-1998 & 01-07-2000 (both dates inclusive)}
Educational Qualification: Candidates should have passed Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 Pattern) or its equivalent examination from any board with at least 70% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in English (either in Class X or Class XII).
Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates will be called for SSB interview.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply online through website from 12-12-2016 to 02-01-2017 & send their print out of applications along with self attested photograph, self attested result sheet of JEE (main) 2016 exam (if qualified), 10th & 12th class certificates with mark sheets in an envelope should be super scribed as Online Application No. —– Application for 10+2 (B.Tech) for Jun 2017 Course ——- Percentage ——– or JEE (Mains) Rank —– (as applicable) NCC ‘C’ Yes/ No by ordinary post only to Post Box No. 04, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011 on or before 12-01-2017.
How to Apply Online:
1. Before applying online candidates should have valid email id and Contact No.
2. Candidates are neatly scanned the photograph, Signature & relevant documents at the time of apply online.
3. Log on to the website
4. Click on “Apply Online Officer Entry” & Select the desired post.
5. Click on “Apply Now” —> “Proceed”.
6. Fill all the details carefully in eight steps & Submit the form.
7. Now take printout of online application for future use
Starting Date to Apply Online : 12-12-2016
Last Date to Apply Online : 02-01-2017
Last Date for Receipt of Applications : 12-01-2017
Date of Training is Scheduled to Commence : July 2016