Himachal Pradesh Forest Department has announced notification for the recruitment of 175 Forest Guard vacancies on contract basis. Eligible candidates may apply online/ offline on or before 01-07-2017 till 05:00 PM & For Remote Areas on or before 15-07-2017 till 05:00 PM.
HP Forest Department Vacancy Details:
Total No. of Posts: 175
Name of the Post:
Name of Forest Circle:
1. Chamba: 05 Posts2. Dharmshala: 19 Posts3. Bilaspur: 13 Posts4. Rampur: 30 Posts5. Hamirpur: 15 Posts6. Kullu: 20 Posts7. Mandi: 14 Posts8. Nahan: 25 Posts9. Shimla: 12 Posts10. WL (S) Shimla: 06 Posts11. WL (N) Dharmshala: 08 Posts12. GHNP: 08 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18 to 30 years as on 01-01-2017. Age relaxation is applicable for reserved category candidates as per the Govt Rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess 10+2 or equivalent from any recognized Education board/ University.
Selection Process: Selection will be based on Written Test, Physical Efficiency Test.
How to Apply: Candidates can apply Both online and offline mode of applications is permitted circle wise.
Online Mode: Eligible candidates may apply online through the website www.hpforest.nic.in or forp.ho.gov.in
Offline Mode: Candidates who are applying through offline can send their application in the prescribed format along with all the necessary documents & must be affixed Rs.5/- postal stamps mentioning Candidates name & Address on the top of the envelope to the concerned Forest Circle address mentioned in the notification on or before 01-07-2017 till 05:00 PM & For Remote Areas on or before 15-07-2017 till 05:00 PM.
Important Dates:
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 01-07-2017 till 05:00 PM.
Last Date for Receipt of Application for Remote Areas: 15-07-2017 till 05:00 PM.