Indian Navy Recruitment 2017 - Apply Online for SSC Officer Posts,Last Date - 16 Sept 2017 - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

Indian Navy Recruitment 2017 - Apply Online for SSC Officer Posts,Last Date - 16 Sept 2017

Indian Navy
Indian Navy has given a notification for the recruitment of Pilot/ Observer/ Air Traffic Controller  as Officer vacancies in Short Service Commission for course commencing July 2018 at the Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala, Kerala. Eligible candidates can apply online from 26-08-2017 to 16-09-2017. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below....

Total No of Posts: 17

Name of the Post: Short Service Commission Officer

Name of the Entry:
1. Air Traffic Controller (ATC): 05 Posts
2. Observer: 04 Posts
3. Pilot: 08 Posts

Age Limit: Candidates should be born between 02-07-1993 to 01-07-1997 (Both dates inclusive) for S.No-1, born between 02-07-1994 to 01-07-1999 (Both dates inclusive) for S.No-2, born between 02-07-1994 to 01-07-1999 (Both dates inclusive) for S.No-3 Posts.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have passed Engineering Degree or are in the final year of Engineering Course in any discipline from a recognised university/ educational institute with at least 60% marks till 5th/ 7th semester, in regular/ integrated course respectively, for ATC entry, additionally the candidate must have 60% aggregate marks in class X and XII and minimum 60% marks in English in class X.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on Intelligence Test, Picture Perception and Discussion test (Stage I) & Psychological testing, Group testing and Interview (Stage II).

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply online through the website from 26-08-2017 to 16-09-2017.

Instructions to Apply Online:
1. Before applying online applicants should have valid email id and Contact No.
2. Candidates are neatly scanned the photograph, Signature & relevant documents at the time of apply online.
3. Log on to the website
4. Click on Apply Online & Read all instructions login your self
5. Fill all the details carefully & Submit the form.
6. Now take printout of online application for future use

Starting Date for Apply Online: 26-08-2017.

Last Date to Apply Online: 16-09-2017.

For more details like promotion, allowances & other information click on the link given below.....