HPSSSB Declared Result of Shastri Post Code 635- View Result Here - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

HPSSSB Declared Result of Shastri Post Code 635- View Result Here

HPSSSB Declared Result of Shastri Post Code 635- View Result Here
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission Hamirpur has declared the result of recruitment examination held for filling the posts of Shastri in the Department of Elementary Education. The Commission had sought applications in September 2017 to fill 200 posts of Shastri teachers under post code 635.

The Commission's Secretary Dr. Jitendra Kanwar informed that 5314 applications were received from the state. Of these, 4814 applications were found correct, while the remaining qualifications were canceled due to non-fulfillment. The Commission conducted a written examination on 27th May.

4373 candidates participated in this, whereas 441 candidates remained absent in the examination. He said that on the basis of merit of the written examination, 597 candidates have been selected for the next fifteen marks evaluation examination.

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