Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the result of Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 197 posts {General(UR)=83, General(BPL)=16, General(WFF)=04, OBC(UR)=29, OBC(BPL)=08, OBC(WFF)=01, SC(UR)=35, SC(BPL)=09, SC(WFF)=01, ST(UR)=10 & ST(BPL)=01} of Language Teacher (on contract basis) Post Code: 636. The requisition to fill up these posts was received from Director of Elementary Education, HP and advertised vide advertisement No.
33-2/2017 dated 16.09.2017.
In response to this advertisement, in all 8771 applications received, out of which 8059 applications were provisionally admitted. The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 14th July, 2018 in which 6856 candidates appeared and 1203 candidates remained absent. Out of total 6856 candidates appeared, the following 598 candidates have been declared qualified and shortlisted for further selection process/evaluation:-
636000033 636000038 636000047 636000055 636000068 636000075 636000089 636000111
636000120 636000121 636000125 636000137 636000140 636000162 636000178 636000192
636000198 636000204 636000208 636000219 636000232 636000251 636000264 636000292
636000308 636000336 636000372 636000378 636000386 636000405 636000415 636000451
636000452 636000460 636000502 636000527 636000551 636000601 636000606 636000617
636000627 636000644 636000660 636000661 636000670 636000679 636000683 636000733
636000736 636000739 636000747 636000756 636000757 636000759 636000765 636000769
636000770 636000802 636000813 636000814 636000847 636000860 636000868 636000882
636000884 636000887 636000907 636000972 636001012 636001017 636001036 636001058
636001062 636001063 636001069 636001078 636001092 636001094 636001109 636001121
636001140 636001162 636001169 636001218 636001243 636001244 636001245 636001256
636001266 636001278 636001288 636001297 636001314 636001319 636001325 636001334
636001338 636001339 636001361 636001414 636001418 636001423 636001435 636001461
636001481 636001492 636001501 636001540 636001546 636001581 636001596 636001598
636001600 636001609 636001626 636001628 636001630 636001631 636001637 636001640
636001648 636001686 636001698 636001734 636001748 636001780 636001789 636001792
636001795 636001824 636001832 636001847 636001850 636001852 636001858 636001860
636001884 636001920 636001978 636001984 636001998 636002006 636002011 636002033
636002077 636002089 636002098 636002102 636002109 636002124 636002138 636002167
636002180 636002190 636002254 636002270 636002275 636002302 636002354 636002355
636002390 636002408 636002421 636002435 636002463 636002481 636002486 636002491
636002499 636002501 636002552 636002588 636002609 636002611 636002652 636002685
636002726 636002741 636002754 636002764 636002777 636002787 636002828 636002865
636002867 636002935 636002948 636002950 636002966 636002970 636002984 636003014
636003060 636003061 636003075 636003081 636003092 636003096 636003119 636003121
636003147 636003158 636003215 636003248 636003265 636003300 636003326 636003332
636003370 636003373 636003399 636003409 636003428 636003437 636003471 636003489
636003514 636003518 636003530 636003558 636003566 636003635 636003657 636003658
636003662 636003668 636003715 636003718 636003727 636003730 636003733 636003747
636003757 636003762 636003774 636003779 636003781 636003782 636003802 636003805
636003809 636003822 636003823 636003829 636003833 636003854 636003861 636003882
636003885 636003913 636003932 636003952 636003953 636003956 636003963 636003970
636003979 636003980 636003984 636003996 636004013 636004021 636004043 636004046
636004050 636004052 636004058 636004064 636004084 636004088 636004090 636004093
636004100 636004113 636004123 636004142 636004148 636004152 636004162 636004171
636004193 636004250 636004253 636004272 636004275 636004284 636004314 636004343
636004350 636004385 636004399 636004405 636004419 636004426 636004439 636004456
636004462 636004463 636004467 636004478 636004501 636004504 636004506 636004510
636004511 636004524 636004526 636004544 636004551 636004579 636004581 636004585
636004607 636004629 636004646 636004648 636004657 636004659 636004678 636004685
636004703 636004746 636004766 636004767 636004768 636004793 636004878 636004882
636004891 636004894 636004915 636004957 636004978 636004980 636004987 636004996
636005001 636005005 636005016 636005022 636005052 636005066 636005078 636005114
636005127 636005133 636005137 636005139 636005165 636005190 636005191 636005211
636005251 636005267 636005274 636005281 636005292 636005297 636005301 636005305
636005312 636005314 636005315 636005334 636005388 636005418 636005419 636005420
636005432 636005442 636005455 636005478 636005482 636005487 636005498 636005514
636005523 636005526 636005546 636005564 636005570 636005593 636005594 636005613
636005630 636005634 636005635 636005637 636005644 636005645 636005660 636005687
636005691 636005726 636005737 636005749 636005758 636005805 636005808 636005814
636005822 636005835 636005841 636005842 636005873 636005898 636005906 636005908
636005914 636005940 636005954 636005955 636005957 636005959 636005967 636005988
636006025 636006039 636006074 636006078 636006084 636006087 636006102 636006109
636006142 636006154 636006167 636006196 636006214 636006220 636006235 636006238
636006239 636006243 636006248 636006256 636006258 636006261 636006284 636006295
636006299 636006323 636006329 636006336 636006348 636006351 636006375 636006394
636006411 636006417 636006424 636006425 636006436 636006461 636006471 636006502
636006513 636006516 636006525 636006528 636006541 636006548 636006562 636006563
636006594 636006596 636006610 636006632 636006637 636006660 636006748 636006749
636006766 636006768 636006777 636006781 636006784 636006823 636006845 636006846
636006850 636006854 636006858 636006868 636006872 636006903 636006908 636006913
636006914 636006919 636006936 636006946 636006947 636006949 636006950 636006954
636006957 636006962 636006965 636006973 636006992 636006999 636007003 636007008
636007016 636007027 636007036 636007039 636007040 636007051 636007072 636007078
636007081 636007082 636007083 636007085 636007089 636007104 636007112 636007115
636007120 636007131 636007137 636007144 636007145 636007146 636007151 636007163
636007166 636007171 636007172 636007184 636007187 636007196 636007205 636007209
636007219 636007227 636007229 636007234 636007236 636007258 636007268 636007275
636007282 636007290 636007350 636007380 636007424 636007454 636007455 636007466
636007468 636007469 636007478 636007522 636007543 636007564 636007582 636007618
636007633 636007648 636007693 636007694 636007695 636007697 636007702 636007715
636007732 636007734 636007743 636007813 636007814 636007856 636007870 636007872
636007918 636007928 636007955 636007990 636007992 636008004 636008025 636008065
636008076 636008103 636008120 636008121 636008128 636008136 636008148 636008167
636008216 636008293 636008300 636008301 636008310 636008326
Total Candidates=598
The Roll number wise detail is given above and also available on the official website of
the HPSSC, Hamirpur. (http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in).