Central Scientific Instrument Organisation (CSIO), a premier institute under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) in Chandigarh invites enthusiastic Indian Nationals having excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements along with the requisite experience and a high degree of motivation to take up research as a career in the field of measurement sciences and instrumentation technologies to fill up the vacancies of following vacant posts of Scientist/Senior Scientist at Chandigarh as well as its Centre at Chennai
Vacancy Details:
Scientist / Senior Scientist : 12 posts,
Age : 32/37 years,
Pay Scale : Pay Level-11/12 Rs. 67700-208700 and Rs. 78800-209200
How to Apply?
Apply Online at CSIR CSIO website from 26/11/2018 to 21/12/2018 only.
Details and application submission