Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has invited application form for the posts of Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service Class-I (Gazetted), Tehsildar Class–I (Gazetted), Block Development Officers Class–I (Gazetted), Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies Class-II (Gazetted). Total No. of Posts are 14. Last date for apply online is 06 Feb 2019. All detaills are as follow...
Name of the Posts :
1. Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service, Class-I (Gazetted)
2. Tehsildar Class–I (Gazetted)
3. Block Development Officers Class–I (Gazetted)
4. Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies Class-II (Gazetted)
Total No. of Posts :
1. Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service, Class-I (Gazetted) : 04
2. Tehsildar Class–I (Gazetted) : 01
3. Block Development Officers Class–I (Gazetted) : 08
4. Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies Class-II (Gazetted) : 01
Qualification : Candidate must possess a Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognized University.
Age Limits : A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 35 years on the first January-2019, meaning thereby that candidates born on or after 02-01-1998 are underage whereas applicants born on or before 01-01-1984 are overage.
How to Apply : Candidates are required to apply only through online mode by using the website www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc. No other mode for submission of applications is allowed.
Application Fee :
1. General Category : Rs. 400/-
2. Candidates of Other States : Rs. 400/-
3. S.C. OF H.P. /S.T. OF H.P. /O.B.C. OF H.P./ B.P.L OF H.P./ Ex-Servicemen of H.P. : Rs. 100/-
4. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. : No Fee
Mode of Payment : Candidates are required to pay requisite Examination Fee by using Debit Card /Credit card or Net Banking through “e -Payment Gateway” Fee once paid shall not be refunded.
Last Date for Apply Online : 06 Feb 2019
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