Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission has declared the final result for the recruitment of 01 post {Gen (UR)-01} of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) (on contract basis) Post Code: 796, in response to requisitions received from the Managing Director HP State Forest Development Corporation Limited Shimla and advertised vide advertisement No. 36-2/2020 dated 18.06.2020. In response to this advertisement, 1584 applications were received out of which 776 applications were provisionally admitted for written objective type screening test. The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 23.12.2020 in which 341 candidates appeared and 435 candidates remained absent. Based on the merit of Written Objective Screening Test held on 23.12.2020, 04 candidates were called for evaluation process on government notified parameters which was conducted on 25th June, 2021. The Commission has compiled the final result of 01 post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) (on contract basis) Post Code: 796. The candidates bearing the following Roll Numbers have been declared successful:-
Sr. No. |
Roll No. |
Name |
Total |
1 |
796000334 |
66.73 |
(Total candidate= 01)