World Geography MCQ's - Part 10 - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

World Geography MCQ's - Part 10

 1. Which of the following countries is well known for Aircraft industry ? 


B. England


D. Japan

2. Which one of the following is a footloose industry?

A. Cement

B. Hosiery

C. Sugar

D. Jute

3. The World's largest producer of newsprint is

A. Canada

B. Russia


D. none of these

4. Most of the Japanese industries are located on the

A. Hokkaido coast

B. Honshu coast

C. Shikoku coast

D. Kyushu coast

5. The Country which extracts huge amount of mineral oil and yet imports it, is

A. India



D. Indonesia

6. Which country is the leading producer of Natural Rubber ?

A. Malaysia

B. Nigeria

C. Indonesia

D. Sri Lanka

7. Which of the following is called Tsunami?

A. High speed jet streams

B. Type of ITCZ

C. Cyclonic weather

D. Large sea waves generated by earthquake

8. The lapse rate of the atmosphere is

A. 4℃ for every 100 meter

B. 6.5℃ for every 1000 meter

C. 1℃ for every 165 meter

D. 1℃ for every 111 meter

9. Which one of the following ocean currents is popularly known as warm planet of Europe?

A. Gulf Stream

B. Agulhas currents

C. East Australian Currents

D. Falkland current

10. Surface salinity of sea water predominantly depends upon the ratio of evaporation to precipitation. At which of the following latitude surface salinity will be the highest?

A. 40°

B. 10°

C. 0°

D. 80°

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