World Geography MCQ's - Part 9 - HimExam - All Himachal Pradesh Job Notifications, Results, Question

World Geography MCQ's - Part 9

 1. Which of the following straits is not in Asia?

A. Malacca Strait

B. Bass Strait

C. Formosa Strait

D. Molucca Strait

2. When the Moon is nearest to the Earth it is called to be in

A. Apogee

B. Perigee

C. Umbra

D. Penumbra

3. On December 21st at 12 O'clock noon, a boy observes that a flag pole outside his home casts no 'Shadow'. His home is at

A. Arctic Circle

B. Antarctic Circle

C. Tropic of Cancer

D. Tropic of Capricorn

4. Clear Nights are colder than cloudy nights because of 

A. Condensation

B. Radiation

C. Insolation

D. Conduction

5. Hamburg is a port on the river

A. Rhine

B. Wester

C. Elbe

D. none of there

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